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BETA Version Site For Mobile Devices
Launch BETA Site For Mobile Devices
November 2011
You can now browse our whole catalog on MOBILE DEVICES at www.musicforproductions.com/mobile. This is a BETA version that we will improve in the next several months. The look and feel will change soon but we want to hear back on how we can make it better for you. As of now you can browse the whole MFP catalog the same way you do with our quick search on our site or with ourdesktop application. If you are logged in your account you can also save any tracks to your active project folder. This means that for example you are on the road with your iPad or your wireless phone and you need to source music for your next project. All you need to do is to go at www.musicforproductions.com/mobileand listen and find the tracks you need. Once you find them you simply click on "add to project" beside any tracks. Next time you login with your studio computer you will find all tracks saved in your active project folder. Please try it online hereand give us feedback!
For more information on this news please contact us at infoatmusicforproductions.com